Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Science of Transformation

Thank you to my friend Xina Lorreen for posting this right when I was pondering the mysteries of how Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy really works to transform ourselves and our lives around us. As you let go into the Loving Presence that is the container in a strong session, our DNA relaxes and our immune system is more free to be healthy.

What kind of presence are you cultivating and how do you imagine that's changing your DNA? How is it changing the world around you?

Take a moment right now to connect in with the power we all have access to.
 Breath into your heart. Move. Sing. Dance. Play. Write. Walk. Appreciate.
 Do whatever serves your ability to offer a Loving Presence to yourself and those around you.

PS-If you want to learn more about the tube torus of energy, Nassim Haramein is your guy

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