Friday, April 20, 2012

Gentle Partner Yoga Practice

I've been getting more and more into the arts that allow space for contact and connection. If you've had any experiences with partner yoga, acroyoga, contact dance or any other form of movement involving touch, you may have noticed how a familiar pose can become new territory. 

One of my Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy clients had been practicing yoga for over a decade. He had a long term, intimate relationship with himself through Yoga. For him, being assisted into postures he knew so well provided a new space for him to witness how his body reflected his ways of living. He left the session with a clear intention to be more present to his wife. What wisdom does your body want to share? Are you giving yourself the space to listen?
Try the following gentle partner yoga practice

Throughout your practice, do your best to be a welcoming host to whatever arises. As Pema Chodron says, "Never underestimate the power of a compassionate presence.

Sit down back to back with your partner. 
Take a few deep breaths, in through your nose, and out through your mouth.
See what it's like to bring your breath to your back. Imagine you can massage your partner's back with your breath. Stay here for several full breaths.

Place the palms of your hands together. Rest your thumbs at your heart center. Take a deep breath in, extend your arms to the side and up. Weave your arms around your partner's arms. As you exhale next, bend to one side. Ground one pair of hands or forearms on the floor and reach up and over with your other arm. Take a few breaths here as you feel the qualities of sensations where you and your partner's bodies connect. When you're ready, switch sides.

Come back to center. Let your shoulders soften back against your partner as you lengthen your spine. Reach your right hand back to your partner's knee, reach your left hand to your right knee. As you inhale, root into your sitting bones, lift through your crown. Exhale, to spiral into your shared twist. Take a few breaths here. Switch sides when you're ready.

Feel free to keep exploring movement with your partner. Share a savasana, corpse pose, when 

your practice together feels complete. Let me know what your partner yoga practice was like :) 

If you want to meet yourself more through your body, come to PRYT partner yoga class at Hollow Reed Holistic's community space every other Saturday at 10:30 or book a PRYT session by calling or emailing. 

Have a Blissful day

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