Monday, April 30, 2012

The Spaciousness to Start Again

   I was at a meditation and kirtan retreat with Sharon Salzberg and Krishna Das a few weeks ago. They both encouraged exercising our abilities to let go of all that stuff that inevitably comes up when we sit. When we've noticed that we've lost focus of our breath, body, the mantra, it's an opportunity to begin the practice again. And again. And again, and again, and again... 

   There was a person who I had made up a challenging story about. It sounded something like this: that they had been giving me the cold shoulder and things were generally awkward since things changed from a friendly neighbor vibe. This was a story that didn't sit harmoniously with me and I had intended to transform it. I didn't know how it would happen, but was in for the ride to see how things might unfold. This person is someone who I regularly see through mutual friends and events. I was at a party this weekend and saw my practice in action. When he entered the scene I noticed my story about our relationship arise. I could feel my front body almost thicken in an expression of armoring. Then, I let the story drop. I allowed my armoring to soften and began our friendship again with an open curiosity. Delightful conversations followed, along with a deepened appreciation for the freedom to practice.

 What are the stories you're holding onto right now?
 Take a few breaths to check in with that. Do you notice any stories about your relationships? Your life situations? 
  Notice what happens in your body as you observe the narratives.
  Find a yoga pose that enhances your ability to be present to the sensations in your body. 
  What's Happening Now?
  Explore for as long as serves you, respect your edges. 
  Allow your process to guide you into other postures and places for observing what's happening in each successive now. 

"Never underestimate the power of compassionately recognizing what's going on."-Pema Chodron

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