Saturday, June 30, 2012

Be Patient as you watch the Eagle Grow

Sometimes I think that I'm done with this cultivating patience thing, that it's time to move on to bigger and better ventures! Ahem, yes well, perhaps that's why my muggy morning dream illustrated my need to integrate this state to balance out it's overly embraced opposite of haste.

My dream self was holding a leash with a young eagle harnessed in at the end. It seemed like I was trying really hard to make this fresh life fly. The environment we were in was busy, chaotic even. There was a striving, a craving to be somewhere else. The bird couldn't fly. No matter how much effort from me or the creature, no adventures were going to happen just yet. There needed to be more space for growing into being able to soar freely. I rushing when I could be witnessing the natural unfolding of this life. 

Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism all value the virtue of patience as a way to enlightenment or as a way to grow closer to God. In the First Nations seven sacred teachings the eagle represents Love. I encourage you to witness your relationship with the pace at which you practice Eagle Pose. Notice the space in your body, the space between breaths, between thoughts. 

What's happening now? 

Garudasana a.k.a Eagle Pose

Do some Sun Salutations or other warm ups before exploring this asana.

Stand with your feet together and your hands together in front of your heart.

Invite a deep breath in. With your exhale, bend your knees and sink your hips down. 

Ground down through your left foot. Inhale to lift your right foot and cross your leg over your left leg. Hook your right foot around your left calf if you can, or point your toes back. Keep your navel drawn in; this will support your balance. 

Inhale your arms up and over head. Exhale your right arm under your left with elbows bent. Bring your palms together and take deep breaths here. 

When you're ready, unwind your arms and legs and stand back in Mountain Pose. Explore this asana on the other side. 

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it"-Rumi

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