Thursday, June 14, 2012

Spring Cleansing for that Summer Shine

We've only got one more week until Summer Solstice, and that means only one more week of spring cleaning to go. If you feel bogged down in anyway or feel like life is just too full, this practice will support you in clearing more space in your mind, body and spirit. All Yoga practice is a purification process so we can connect with that Truth and Bliss within, so do your best to give yourself that time as regularly as you can. 

This meditation will support your connection with where you're at now, the twists will wring out your liver for that inner cleanse, and the backbend will be your energetic master cleanser, helping you make the space for an open heart and a vibrant summer. Enjoy! 

Check in with yourself. Breath, body, thoughts, emotions, and life. Take your time with each of these parts of yourself.
What do you notice? 
Set an intention for your practice. What would serve you best right now to let go of? What are you creating space for in your life?

Sit on a block or cushion in a cross legged position. Ground down into your foundation, down through your sitting bones. Place your left hand on your right knee, place your right hand on the floor behind you. Inhale to lengthen your spine. Exhale to spiral into your twist towards the right. Breath deeply here, focusing on the exhales as you let go of tension. When you're done on this side, take a breath in the middle and then explore the twist to the left. 

Stand with your feet hip width apart. Bring your palms together in front of your heart center. Take a deep breath here. On an inhale, reach your arms up and over head. As you exhale, fold forward, hinging from your hips. Bring your hands to the floor, bending your knees if you need to. Step your right foot back behind you so you're in a lunge. Square your hips. Bring your left hand to the floor on the inner edge of your left foot. Ground your left arm and leg towards each other. Inhale to lift your right arm up towards the ceiling. Breath deeply here. When you're ready, bring your right hand to the floor and inhale your left arm up. Open your chest to the side wall and slide your shoulders down away from your ears. Explore this position with your breath. Switch sides when you're ready. 

Invite your hands to touch in Anjali mudra again in front of your heart. Draw your navel in towards your spine. Inhale reach your arms up. Exhale and slide your shoulders down your back and let your chest open upwards as you lift your gaze. Keep rooting down through your feet as you breath deeply here. Inhale to lift back to upright, exhale your hands back to your heart. Do 2 more, see how each one is unique. 

Lay down, bend your knees and roll onto your right side. Reach your left arm back behind you and turn your gaze to follow. Let both shoulders surrender towards the floor. What is it like to breath here? 

Take some time for your final resting pose, Savasana. Let yourself soften and simmer in the benefits of your practice. 

May all beings everywhere be truly happy and peaceful.
May our thoughts, words, and actions support the harmony of life. 

Check out this deliciously dance-able version of the Lokaha Mantra, a mantra for world happiness and prosperity. 

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