Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Everybody gets to play!...even the gross ones?

I'm doing my best to let everybody play today. Sounds fun right? If you're into being whole and sharing rich moments, then yes, I guess it was a fun day.

 Sharon Salzberg shared the phrase "everybody gets to play" while I was on retreat at Kripalu. I appreciate the all inclusive implication. Today emotions started arising that didn't align with my idea of how my day was going to go. I intended to be with them, inviting even these uncomfortable waves to play and maybe even teach me a something about myself.

There were heavy sensations calling attention to my chest. I made my way to my yoga room and put myself into a supported fish pose. The backbend allowed me to more fully explore what was arising in my heart space and in my emotional body. I stayed with the tears that were streaming, until a part of me felt like that was enough and decided to move on with my day.

I came across this video about Sacred Economics on Tad Hargrave's website. There I was trying to be "productive" learning more about marketing and economics and ended up being so moved by what I saw that I was back in a sea of tears. My dear friend arrived at the door as the video ended. It was such a blessing to get a hug right when I needed it! After I invited him in I noticed my face tensing-an indicator for me that I was masking up. I suggested some acroyoga. I knew it'd be a way I could get more into my body. I flew first. As much as I didn't want to be with the edgy emotions that were arising, I couldn't help it as my body was held in the air. I was reminded of the profound effect of touch. Breathing deeply as my body was stretched I was supported in my process of being present to myself. As much as I like to be an independent DIY kind of person, I'm always learning to embrace the richness of human exchange. Some things are just different, and at times more powerful, when someone else can hold down the fort and I can just let go.

 I'm grateful that I was willing to let myself be with the emotions that came up today. It was definitely edgy for me, but provided an opportunity to see more of who I am. On this journey towards wholeness I need welcome all the parts that make me both human and Divine.

Here's a Rumi poem for you. A friend of mine says that poetry comes alive when read aloud. Try it out, even (especially!) if it's edgy for you. You might get to know a guest of yours in a new and intimate way.

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