Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our Brains in the process of Transformation

If you've ever wondered about the neurological happenings of your personal evolution, this is a TedTalk for you. Joe Dispenza teaches how we can support ourselves as we shift from who we are to who we want to be. 

Metacognition is defined as knowing about knowing, our cognition about our cognition. In Yoga, this would be what called the Witness Self. When we observe our behaviors and beliefs we have more power to create changes in our brain and the ways we live. As we regularly reinforce thoughts we know will serve us, others that are a part of different neural networks will fade away. Joe illustrates how this leads to our nature becoming more, for example, compassionate. 

Check in with yourself right now. Take a few deep breaths. Sense your body. 

Witness what's happening now.

How does your authentic self want to be living? 

Create an intention to do one thing later today to take a step in that direct. (go to 12:15 in the video to hear about the brain and intention)

"The Master observes the world but trusts his inner vision - He allows things to come and go - His heart is open as the sky." 

~ Lao Tzu

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, awesome TedTalk, it really materializes the personal processing of experiences and the resulting decisions we choose to make. It makes me think of it as a brain garden when he talks of the 'glue', and we grow and strengthen those connections when we shine compassion on them and water them with our just actions.
    I like this guy alot and he seems really familiar, maybe he had an interview in What the Bleep!?
    Thanks for sharing, bless you Jessica. I'm gonna go tend to my plot now.
